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10 hooks that will increase your sales

1. “The ONE thing my client did to ___ in [X] weeks…” 2. “Here’s what I would do if I…

Make time for yourself…

I hear this a lot. In fact, I hear it all the time. Sometimes I take it on board, other…

9 Instagram Red Flags

9 Instagram red flags I see business people making A LOT… Not clearly stating your location Not showing your face…

10 B-Roll content ideas

Here are 10 B-roll content ideas you NEED! 👇🏼 Looking out of a car window Walking across the street Putting…

Clients not seeing the value in your services?

Let’s flip the script on your business! 💉✨ Are you: ❌ Constantly justifying your prices? ❌ Losing clients to cheaper…

Canva Hack You Need To Know!

Hack your Instagram with a website mockup! Open Canva, choose your post size, and start a new project. Tap the…

Content Pillars you need to know about

Content pillars that every business owner should consider 💌 Trust building → BTS → Meet the team → Client reviews…

You say you want more clients through social media but you’re NOT doing these things…

You say you want more clients, but… 👉🏼 You’re not posting consistently 👉🏼 You don’t talk about your services 👉🏼…

30 days of content ideas that will increase your engagement

Share a reel showing something you’ve done in your personal life recently Post a relatable quote about something funny in…

Things I would do if I wanted to get more clients in my business

Post your testimonials from clients to show social proof Talk about the transformation when creating your content Run a one-time…

5 reel hooks to use in your social media strategy

Hooks are what get people clicking, scrolling, reading, engaging… So it makes total sense to use some that are attention-grabbing…

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